The Basics of Football


Throughout the world, football has captured the imagination of many people. It has become one of the most popular sports in the world. It is played by teams of different ages, from youths to professionals. The game is governed internationally by the Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), and is governed within each nation by recognised national associations.

Football was invented in the United Kingdom in the early 1800s. At the time, the leading London clubs enjoyed dominance over the game. However, by the 1870s, the dominance had diminished. The leading clubs began charging admission for spectators.

Football became notoriously dangerous in the 20th century. In addition to its increasing popularity, the game also exacerbated tensions between nations during the Yugoslav wars of the 1990s.

The modern game of football was codified in England in 1863. The Football Association was formed, and the first set of laws were created. These laws are designed to be applied to all levels of football. They contain seventeen laws.

The goal of a football team is to score points by advancing the ball toward the opponent’s goal. To do this, an offensive player passes the ball to another player. The offensive player then runs with the ball. The team scores a touchdown. If the ball is kicked through the goal posts, the team receives extra points. The team with the most points wins the game.

A standard adult football match is played in two periods of 45 minutes each. The teams take turns in possession. Each team has a playbook with dozens or hundreds of plays. The style of play is based on the number of offensive players on the team.